Winter Malting Barley Trial

The University of Minnesota Barley Breeding program has had the privilege of organizing the Winter Malting Barley Trial (WMBT) since 2010. The WMBT is a collaboration spanning the entire United States. The two goals of this project are identifying winter barley lines that meet malt industry standards and expanding winter barley acreage.

The WMBT began in fall 2010, and is currently in it's 14th season.



Content in progress

Barley, Oat, and Silflower Breeding Programs:

For information about the University of Minnesota Barley, Oat, or Silflower Breeding programs, email: Kevin Smith at sm[email protected]

Winter Malting Barley Trial:

If you would like to become a collaborator in the WMBT, either by submitting line entries or planting a new location, please take the following survey: WMBT new collaborator request