Laura Chatham

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Email: [email protected]

Joined the lab in: 2019

Education history

BS University of Illinois 2012

MS University of Illinois 2014

PhD University of Illinois 2019

Research interests

My research interests lie in understanding the genetic basis of various post-harvest traits, primarily in oats. With this and molecular breeding techniques, my goal is to expedite the development of varieties with improved nutritional quality in addition to exceptional agronomic performance. I am especially interested in plant specialized metabolism, including its evolutionary basis and potential applications in both human nutrition and disease resistance.

Fun fact

I have a large collection of houseplants and orchids.


Google Scholar



Michels, D. K.; Chatham, L. A.; Butts-Wilmsmeyer, C. J.; Juvik, J. A.; Kolb, F. L. Variation in Avenanthramide Content in Spring Oat over Multiple Environments. Journal of Cereal Science 2019, 102886.

Chatham, L. A.; Howard, J. E.; Juvik, J. A. A Natural Colorant System from Corn: Flavone-Anthocyanin Copigmentation for Altered Hues and Improved Shelf Life. Food Chemistry 2020, 310, 125734.


Chatham, L. A.; Paulsmeyer, M.; Juvik, J. A. Prospects for Economical Natural Colorants: Insights from Maize. Theor Appl Genet 2019, 132 (11), 2927–2946.

Chatham, L. A.; and Juvik, J. A. Developments in Breeding of Vegetables. In Achieving Sustainable Cultivation of Vegetables; Hochmuth, G.; Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, 2019.

Zhang, Q.; Gonzalez de Mejia, E.; Luna-Vital, D.; Tao, T.; Chandrasekaran, S.; Chatham, L.; Juvik, J.; Singh, V.; Kumar, D. Relationship of Phenolic Composition of Selected Purple Maize (Zea Mays L.) Genotypes with Their Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Adipogenic and Anti-Diabetic Potential. Food Chemistry 2019, 289, 739–750.

Luna-Vital, D. A.; Chatham, L.; Juvik, J.; Singh, V.; Somavat, P.; de Mejia, E. G. Activating Effects of Phenolics from Apache Red Zea Mays L. on Free Fatty Acid Receptor 1 and Glucokinase Evaluated with a Dual Culture System with Epithelial, Pancreatic, and Liver Cells. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2019, 67 (33), 9148–9159.


Chatham, L. A.; West, L.; Berhow, M. A.; Vermillion, K. E.; Juvik, J. A. Unique Flavanol-Anthocyanin Condensed Forms in Apache Red Purple Corn. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2018, 66 (41), 10844–10854.

Liu, J.; Chatham, L.; Aryal, R.; Yu, Q.; Ming, R. Differential Methylation and Expression of HUA1 Ortholog in Three Sex Types of Papaya. Plant Science 2018, 272, 99–106.

Haggard, S.; Luna-Vital, D.; West, L.; Juvik, J. A.; Chatham, L.; Paulsmeyer, M.; Gonzalez de Mejia, E. Comparison of Chemical, Color Stability, and Phenolic Composition from Pericarp of Nine Colored Corn Unique Varieties in a Beverage Model. Food Research International 2018, 105, 286–297.


Li, Q.; Somavat, P.; Singh, V.; Chatham, L.; Gonzalez de Mejia, E. A Comparative Study of Anthocyanin Distribution in Purple and Blue Corn Coproducts from Three Conventional Fractionation Processes. Food Chemistry 2017, 231, 332–339.

Paulsmeyer, M.; Chatham, L.; Becker, T.; West, M.; West, L.; Juvik, J. Survey of Anthocyanin Composition and Concentration in Diverse Maize Germplasms. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2017, 65 (21), 4341–4350.


Evans, J. A.; Tranel, P. J.; Hager, A. G.; Schutte, B.; Wu, C.; Chatham, L. A.; Davis, A. S. Managing the Evolution of Herbicide Resistance. Pest Management Science 2016, 72 (1), 74–80.


Chatham, L. A.; Bradley, K. W.; Kruger, G. R.; Martin, J. R.; Owen, M. D. K.; Peterson, D. E.; Mithila, J.; Tranel, P. J. A Multistate Study of the Association Between Glyphosate Resistance and EPSPS Gene Amplification in Waterhemp (Amaranthus Tuberculatus). Weed Science 2015, 63 (3), 569–577.

Chatham, L. A.; Wu, C.; Riggins, C. W.; Hager, A. G.; Young, B. G.; Roskamp, G. K.; Tranel, P. J. EPSPS Gene Amplification Is Present in the Majority of Glyphosate-Resistant Illinois Waterhemp (Amaranthus Tuberculatus) Populations. Weed Technology 2015, 29 (1), 48–55.

Schultz, J. L.; Chatham, L. A.; Riggins, C. W.; Tranel, P. J.; Bradley, K. W. Distribution of Herbicide Resistances and Molecular Mechanisms Conferring Resistance in Missouri Waterhemp (Amaranthus Rudis Sauer) Populations. Weed Science 2015, 63 (1), 336–345.

Laura Chatham